Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Words of advice/encouragement!

Hey yall, i'm super bored, and have "Hola Lola" stuck in my head!  It's from a play that my friends are in, called Dear Edwina.  It's a really funny (partially because not many people listened to Mrs. Lieb, which is a FATAL mistake!), and has a "deeper meaning" as Mrs. Lieb put it.  so my words of advice to the one person who i know FOR SURE reads my blog, would be to drop an octave if you can, because if a girl tries to sing too high, her voice gets drowned out, and the same thing happens with guys singing to low!  I will try my best to be in the front row at... umm... 2 PM sunday, right?  ugh wheres Sharon when you need her...  anyways, IF YOU LISTEN TO MRS. LIEB, YOU CANNOT FAIL!!!!  unless she has a nervous breakdown... well anyways, good luck at the play, i might show up tomorrow, you know maybe eat more clementines!  i'll probably help Mrs. Lieb put up those window thingies, or something!  ok, well imma go eat some tastyness, then i'll maybe (just kidding) do some homework!  and then it's just me, my food, and my nighttime sitcoms... so BYE!!!!!!

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