Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I just did some reasearch, and found out that Costco is selling a relatively nice netbook with a case for (with tax) $266.66!  i counted my money and i already have about $160 of this!  I'm so excited!!!  It's got everything i need, seeing as i keep all my files on my flash drive and  my desktop, and don't need a huge amount of memory! oh and yesterday i talked about sending in one of my poems to a magazine, and decided to send it to Teen Ink via web upload.  ugh my dad is being mean, so i gtg now :-(

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Deppressing = Good?!

Today, i was writing a poem at the lunch table, because its a good way to vent my emotions.  a lot more positive than breaking things and/or people!  It was a pretty depressing poem, but all my friends thought it was good!  one of them said that i should publish a collection of poems on the Internet, or send one or two in to a magazine in hopes that they will be published.  at first i thought it was a stupid idea, but as i mulled it over in my mind, i realized that the worst thing that would happen would be that i wasted 43 cents on a stamp (which my dad paid for), so I'm going to find a magazine, mail in a poem, and hope for the best!  if anyone knows any good magazines, that would be really helpful!  well, I'm gonna go do stuff, so BYE!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011


So after getting home, i had very little time to write, but now that school is back, i can get back to a regular blogging schedule! and yes, my brain hurts, and in fact has been (metaphorically) split in two!  one side says, "Move on from Fay, you know that Morgan likes you!"  the other side says, "How can you move on, she was your world!"  both sides are screaming at me, and it is making my head hurt!  thus, i ask you, the person reading, what should i do?  i'm really confused, and need your help!  oh, and i am putting together a compilation of poems and doodles into a little mini-book-thing.  other than the dilemma above, i don't have much to write about for now, so BYE!!!!