Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wow... That's Disturbing...

OK, so i've been trying not to think about yesterday, seeing as Fay said that it was over yesterday, but no matter what i do, EVERYTHING reminds me of her in some way.  I'm coming to the realization that no matter what feminists will say, women will always hold power over men.  Yes, when tested, men are, on average, physically stronger than women.  But i'm sure that if there was a test done,  women hold the emotional factor BY A LONGSHOT!!!!!  When a guy dumps a girl, how often do you hear about the getting super depressed about it for a long time?  not often, and that's because they can let it out.  with guys, theres a certain stigma that comes with expressing your feelings.  so you have been bottling up your emotions, where a woman would have let them out, and who is more emotionally stable?  who is hurting more?  I hope the answer is obvious.  when 2X - 7 = 8Y + 6, It's not because X and Y aren't the same, they balance each other out.  It's our differences that unite us.

P.S. Fay, if you're reading this, i want you to know, that the only thing that made you breaking up with me worse, was the fact that you thought i would hit you.  even now, as angry as i am, i could never bring myself to hurt you.  never.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Ok, so i'm getting the message that most people don't understand the concept of "Subtle hints."  i make sure to give these off when i'm angry or upset, so that people will hopefully get the message "LEAVE ME ALONE UNLESS YOU SERIOUSLY WANT TO DIE!!!"  People still manage to try and talk to me and ask me what's wrong, and unless i know that you fully understand what i'm going through, i'm going to say, very curtly, "nothing."  at this point, i would advise anyone talking to me to stop asking me.  If i need to walk around with a list of my pet peeves put up above my head, that would easily make number 3, on a fairly short list.  number 1 would be TALKING TO ME WHEN I DON'T WANT TO TALK!!!!  That said, i hope you have a wonderful day!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


OK, so as i mentioned before, i was the stage manager/intern for Mrs. Lieb, and tonight, they finished up the play, and i got to help Mrs. Lieb!  GOOD JOB EVERYBODY!!!!!well, this is gonna have to be a short one, so until next time, i bid you good day (or night depending on when you read this)!

P.S.  i'm going to start labelling my posts for organization purposes, so if you like a post, find one with a similar label, and you just might like that one too!