Thursday, December 16, 2010


OK, so today had a good day (hence the title)!  so ya, I wrote a poem during sociology today, because i forgot my book and couldn't participate.  the inspiration for this poem is an ^$$#@!&, i mean jerk, who sits a few seats behind me in sociology!  Stas is a kid who spends his time cracking jokes, and not paying attention.  he constantly cracks jokes at me, and because of my self defense mechanisms, i can, to some extent, forget about it!  but i just need to vent when I'm mad, so i wrote this!  hope you like it!

The Bully
by James

I see your face,
I want to scream.
My head soon fills
With that violent steam!
I want to run
But I know I can't.
You belittle me constantly,
I feel like an ant!

Why do you do this
Why do you try?
Because of you
Life wasn't worth the try!
Because of you,
I hated myself
I hated the mirror
Upon my bookshelf!

Your dagger words
Bring me to the present
Where I try desperately
To think of something pleasant.
I'm trying to fight
What my mind's thinking
Violent thoughts
Of fist and face linking

My body tenses up
Ready to attack
That's when i remember
My mind goes way back
I think of my best friend
And the promise I made
I swore to never fight
Unless another person it would aid

Then i relax
and look you in the eye
"I'm sorry you feel that way
I hope one day you'll fly!"

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